Rabu, 17 Desember 2008




Penjelasan :

Participle adalah kata penjelas yang terdiri dari participle aktif dan participle pasif. Participle aktif menggunakan Verb + ing ( sebagai mana Gerund) yang memiliki beberapa fungsi. Sedang participle pasif berbentuk Verb 3 yang juga memiliki beberapa fungsi.

Fungsi Participle

  • Sebagai penjelas kata benda

Participle aktif maupun pasif salah satu fungsinya adalah sebagai penjelas kata benda (Noun) menggunakan rumus :

  1. Participle aktif penjelas kata benda

    Memiliki rumus : N + V-ing

e.g : The person writing this book is my brother.

N V-ing

Tetapi bisa juga berbentuk : V-ing + N

e.g : The sleeping girl has completed her homework.

V-ing N

b. Participle pasif penjelas kata benda

Memiliki rumus : N + V 3

e.g : The book written by J.K Rowling is very popular

N V 3

Tetapi juga bisa berbentuk : V 3 + N

e.g : Written stories in this book are good.

V 3 N

Contoh soal :

  1. The work____computers requires well trained personel.

a.involved c.to be involved

b.involves d.involving

( Jawaban : d )

Bahasan : kata penjelas benda pada kalimat aktif adalah V-ing, dalam hal ini involving

  1. Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest…….the robber’s hiding place.

a.surround c.surrounding

b.which surrounding d.is surrounding

( Jawaban : c )

Bahasan : kata yang ditanyakan adalah penjelas dari frase benda ( Noun Phrase ) the robber’s hiding place (tempat bersembunyinya perampok), yang dibutuhkan adalah kalimat aktif. Subjeknya the dense forest (hutan lebat) / S, tentu lebih tepat jika ia mengelilingi (aktif), daripada dikelilingi objeknya (the robber’s hiding place). Maka bentuk yang tepat adalah V-ing.

Membentuk Kalimat Majemuk dari Dua Buah kalimat yang memiliki subjek sama

  • Peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu yang bersamaan (ditandai dengan kata when, while, as).


when he was swimming in the river, he drank much water.


Swimming in the river,he drank much water.



Sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident artinya= when they were sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident= they were sitting near the bridge, when they saw the car accident.

  • Peristiwa yang terjadi secara berturutan (atau ditandai dengan kata after, as soon as)

Having + V 3 + S + ..


After I had finished my homework, I went to bed.


Having finished my homework, I went to bed.



  • Having been defeated three times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting means______.

  1. Although he was defeated three times in a row, he decided to give up fighting.

  2. He decided to give up fighting after he had been defeated three times in row.

  3. As he has decided to give up fighting, he was defeated three times in a row.

  4. He decided to give up fighting so he was defeated three times in a row.

(jawaban: B)

Bahasan: kejadian berurutan (dengan Having), bisa menggunakan before atau after, dalam hal ini yang tepat adalah after.

  • Apabila suatu peristiwa merupakan penyebab dari peristiwa lain bagian kalimat yang menjadi penyebab peristiwa lain tersebut, dapat dituliskan dengan menggunakan aktif participle (biasanya ditandai dengan kata because, as).

Dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut : V-ing + S + V + ...

e.g :

As he is an outstanding student in our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia.

Menjadi :

Being an outstanding student in our school he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia.

Passive participle/past participle

Apabila suatu peristiwa merupakan penyebab dari peristiwa lain, bagian kalimat yang menjadi penyebab dari peristiwa lain tersebut, dapat dituliskan dengan menggunakan passive participle/past participle.

V 3 + S + V + ...


Because the flowers are watered every day, they look fresh.


Watered every day, the flower looks fresh.

Owning a mobile phone

Owning a mobile phone

The advent of mobile phones has squeezed this large world and brought it into the palm of human being. However mobile phones have always be debated among the people about their merits and demerits. Mobile phones have multipurpose function, means for entertainment and ensuring security. Begin from children until old person use it. But on the other hand, they have some disadvantages like initiating violation of privacy, unnecessary wastage of money, talking on mobile phones while driving and emission of radiation from the handsets which is allegedly harmful for health.

The main feature of mobile phones is ‘instant access' which makes them the most exclusive devices for communication. Now people can make voice or VDO call or send text messages to anyone, anytime, and almost anywhere at a cheap rate using mobile phones. The latest WAP technology users can surf the internet, send emails and chat with other people at a low cost. According to a research released on 13th February, 2007 from the Mobile Entertainment Forum and Ovum, 20% of UK subscribers search internet via mobile phones. It is obvious that the communication has become a lot easier now.

The ease of a mobile phone makes many people interested it, moreover by children without thinking the disadvantages before. One of the main reasons children use it because As parents, we feel that the personal security of our offspring is immensely improved if we can contact them at any time. But the parents have to weigh that benefit against with any possible disruption of health effects in the future. So, we must order them to use it as need as their necessary. "There may be some unknown risk that could appear at some unknown date in the future but we have to balance that against the benefits of using them." (Dr Adam Burgess, a lecturer in sociology at Kent University)

From the against of using a mobile phones by children because the mobile phones work by transmitting and receiving low levels of radiation. Although these levels are believed to be completely safe, there have long been links between radiation exposure and health problems most notably cancer. And children are particularly vulnerable to radiation, because their nervous systems are not yet fully formed.

Mobile phone is not a luxury again, many people have it to accelerate the communication. So, it have been an important thing in our life. The features are enjoyable, but we must be careful on using it because the radiation is harmful for health. We must make a balance in order to keep our health from the disadvantages of using a mobile phone.


Improving our English competence

Improving our English competence

English has been successfully deployed to many countries as an international language. It mainly for communication proposes. English is widely accepted and the broad acceptance make it easier for people to communicate it. It is beneficial to learn English. “As for learning English, it does help open up doors of communication of others” (http/:www.google.com, in How to improve our English skills, retrieved on oct. 25,2008). So that many people struggling to learn and improve English competence. Because English is really means to everyone.

There are many ways to improve our English competence. And it will be better if we do by based on willingness our selves. We must sure that English is easy, we make it looks more interesting, so we can enjoy in learning English. Firstly, we must always try to improve the skills. “Improve your grammar, exercise it over and over again, often to speak a lot with native speaker, and don’t forget to progress your perception and get many experiences, so that you can up to date with your English learning” (http/:www.google.com, in How to improve our English skills, retrieved on oct.25,2008). From the statement we can know some ways to improve our English. We must attention seriously in order to can be better in English competence.

There are still many skills that must improved. In the base are like reading, writing, speaking, listening, or grammar. We improve it step by step. All of them must be practiced every day, and the senior person will help us in the learning English. But don’t go to the next chapter if you don’t understand about the last material. You must consul to the senior if you get some difficulties that you can’t to solve by yourself. Don’t be shy and lazy in learning it.

You will get more if you are participate in debate competition, join in a English club, or go to the place that can practice your speaking. It will make you can speak English fluently. You also need other field to improve your other skills.

“Although not much people spoke English in daily, but most of the trade transaction even news, entertainment, and internet information in English well” (http/:www.google.com, retrieved on oct.25,2008). This statement can be a motivation for us. So that we must improve our English competence with progress our English skills from the base until professional level.



Nowadays, self development is an important thing, because it can improve our way of thinking and help us to get a better life. It is also indicating person who applies the self development in her or his self has ability to face on real life to get a job. Especially, as a teacher self development makes their skill more useful and indicates a professional teacher. Usually, the teacher that apply of self development more competence, creative than the others who not apply the self development.

There is an interview yield about self development, on Friday, 21st November 2008 at 10.40 am, with Miss Lia Nurhasnah Octavia, a lecturer of Faculty of letters, University of Ahmad Dahlan, she had been taught about 6 years in UAD sine 2002.

According to Miss Lia Nurhasnah Octavia, the definition of sel development is an effort where someone can get a better life than before or can mean that a human effort to get or act better. In instruction self development has an important role. As a teacher self development is important to begin learn about something new that we do not have and know, do not you think that as a teacher we stop to learn, moreover, it is time to begin to more learn about everything because we face on real life in a job world. It is indicate that we are professional teacher. Whereas, as a student especially who is prospective teacher self development makes us more ready to face a real life to compete to get a job, enter into society, we can not just rely on the material that given by the teacher but we must develop our knowledge by ourselves, and we have something that called life skill that actually it get from self development. She said that somebody who develops her or his self means that he or she is better than previous.

Self development influence a general purpose in teaching, when a teacher has perspective and mission to make the student cleverer than last, the teacher will try to make something different and new to teach, try to be creative for apply a various of teaching method. So, it is not monotonous. Teaching method must appropriate with who are the learner and do not apply just one method but apply various method. And it makes the student interested with everything that we teach.

The obstacles of self development are financial. Sometime we sacrifice not only time, attention but also money. For example, we need and want to learn a book but book is nothing in our country so we must look for it to another country and of course it need mush money. But, it is different now, because now we can look for everything around of the world easily. Actually, the particularly obstacle is on ourselves. We want or won’t to develop ourselves, we can not develop if in inside of our heart is not won’t to try develop. So, we must motivate ourselves. There are many way to develop ourselves, as active in seminar, join with organization, study club, etc. Believe that it is increasing our quality, compare with the person who don not develop her or his self se or he has nothing.

For example that Miss Lia has done, she join the faculty of letter lecturer forum, look for information and news, share experience with another lecturer, etc. she always keep spirit, never be pessimistic, she has ambition to get scholarship to study in board, she also evaluate her mistake that has made and try to improve it.

She give suggest to all of prospective teacher, that be a number one and professional teacher. So, we will try to do the best.

As a person who learn and want to get success in the future should be apply self development to ourselves. Develop ourselves if we one to be a useful. It is difficult to apply self development if we want to grow ourselves, so make a plan to know what we want.



In this era, language is a common to learn. Since we born we learn mother tongue, and then learn country or community language, but many people have ability to communicate using another language now that usually called foreign language. The ability to communicate using foreign language gives better chance in the future. So, if we want have language acquisition, we must start to learn and think to be a good language learner because good language learner is a person who have better ability in language learning.

To be a good language learner there are many strategies, Based on these principles, Rubin and Larson (1976) have revealed ten strategies of the good language learner. Here is a list of these strategies:

  1. Planning strategy

A personal learning style or positive learning strategy.

  1. Active strategy.

He likes to be involved in games and activities. He has an active approach to the learning task.

  1. Emphatic strategy

A tolerant and outgoing approach to the target language and its speakers.

  1. Formal strategy

Technical Know-how of how to tackle a language. (linguistic insight).

  1. Experimental strategy

A methodical but flexible approach, developing the new language into an ordered system and constantly revising it. willingness to guess, try and make mistakes.

  1. Semantic strategy

Constant searching for meaning.

  1. Practice strategy

Willingness to practice.

  1. Communication strategy

Willingness to use the language in real communication.

  1. Monitoring strategy

Self monitoring and critical sensitivity to language use. The optimal user of the monitor according to Krashen, (1982).

  1. Internalization strategy

  2. Developing L2 more and as a separate reference system and learning to think in it and to internalize rules, terms and structures.

Beside the many strategies to be a good language learner above, there are also many factors influence. “The acquisition of a second language or foreign language takes place at a learning setting, where many social, international, economical, political, and cultural factors are involved. All these factors affect the learner’s attitudes towards the target language and the speaker community.”(wal tibi. the good language learner. http/www.wail_tibe.pd) .

Spolsky (1988) believes that the language learner’s success depends on these four factors:

  1. Language aptitude.

  2. Personal traits and abilities of the learner.

  3. Affective psychological domain which results from the social environment and also determines the learners’ attitudes towards the new target language, culture, people and the teaching needs.

  4. The supporting system for the language acquisition inside as well as outside the formal setting of school (opportunities of exposure).

In conclusion, a good language learner is a person that learns about second language. It is not easy to learn about foreign language and there are many strategies to be a good language learner. The existence of such useful strategies reminds us of the individual differences among different learners. A good language learner must try to explore their ability about second language not just in class but everywhere.